Apparently nobody knew anything about this lovely dolly having her own hair in her lap and a rather unfortunate eyebrow.
Apparently I just picked her up and she was like that. What happened to her? Did she have a really bad hair day and just yank it out herself...but then how did her eyebrow get like that? Now I know the children are too old to be playing with scissors ..well to the point they would chop poor dolly's hair off.
The cat? Did the cat pull her off the cupboard and pull out her hair and maim her eyebrow...maybe but I can't see why...and how did she get back up on the cupboard with her hair in her lap?
None of the children when interrogated I mean questioned said they had an idea at all about what had happened. Now having just had a big dose of steroids it took me a couple of hours of running different scenarios through my mind before it dawned on me...I had been in hospital for a week...what happens when I am away from the house and everyone else is home...aarrrgh silly me why did I not think of it before!!! THE DOG is allowed INSIDE! The much loved Jack Russell/King Charles Cavalier dog that is treated like a baby by Darling Husband and 3 darling children...who also seems to have a particular naughty streak for any of my belongings...the dog has done it surely and then the deed has been covered up by children hoping I wouldn't notice.
That evening I approached Darling Husband with my suspicions...only to see a glimmer of amusement (?) in his eye...he knew!! Not only did he know, it had happened before I went to hospital on a day I wasn't at home..clearly...and he had had himself a little nap (how frightfully unusual...NOT) in the lounge chair, after he had let the said dog in. Said dog had jumped up on top of him whilst he slept and climbed to the top of the lounge chair and removed my lovely little rag doll and apparently tried to kill her by tearing her hair off...and still he slept on. Not sure when the deed was discovered...obviously before too much damage had been done. What I do know now however is that dolly was put back where she was with her hair in lap, at least one child and one husband knew what happened and some guilt must have been felt as DH had already checked whether the dolls creator..Lisa from Olive Grove Primitives ..could do something with her hair and eyebrow....all before I knew a thing....Sprung!
Happy to say though this lovely Miss has been for a visit with Lisa and has come back with a beautiful new head of hair and some rather natty one would ever know...well that was the everybody knows!
Kiss Noises Linda
Oh Linda! Im laughing - I know I shouldnt be - but its funny! Naughty puppy and naughty hubby.
Posted by: de | April 15, 2012 at 10:05 PM
What's that saying....while the cat's away the mice play....poor dolly, glad she could me mended, she is sooo cute!
Posted by: katherine theoldboathouse | April 16, 2012 at 05:08 AM
Oh dear Mr Tim!...and doggie. She is a beautiful doll and maybe a higher shelf next time Linda...or a locked cupboard! Have a fabulous week. xx
Posted by: Pam | April 16, 2012 at 08:40 AM
I'm laughing too ~ though I probably shouldn't. I can just imagine all the "who me" faces when you were interrogating them! Naughty pooch. Mx
Posted by: Ruby & Rose Interiors | April 16, 2012 at 11:35 AM
Oh no! Least she wasn't left on the front lawn in the rain.... just saying.... there a pampered pooch here that tends to do that! Glad that little Miss has fully recovered! X
Posted by: Mrs Tiff | April 17, 2012 at 08:29 PM